28 October 2018 (Sunday)

at 20:00 (Poland)/ 12:00 (USA, California)





on 28 October 2018


FREE ONLINE SCREENING on mindbodyspirit.com.pl

28th October 2018

20:00 (PL - UTC-8)

Full movie

You will see full motion picture of e-motion movie

This screening is free of charge

No charge

You will see best holistic health experts

Best experts

It is only live screening - no sharing after live screening

Only Live

E-Motion is an uplifting and inspirational feature length documentarydestined to change the way humanity thinks about their health and wellbeing.

Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties andunprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source of everything that ails us.That’s the world we live in.

Now imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heartthe perfect creation that’s inside each of us. Imagine a world whereabundance, inner peace, longevity and loving relationships abound.Imagine emotion experts from around the world sharing their wisdom and negative emotion clearing techniques to light a new pathway for humanity.Imagine we are sacred, spiritual beings here for a much larger reason, serving a much higher purpose, a divine purpose.That’s where we are going. E-Motion features experts from around the world, sharing their wisdom and e-motional clearing techniques.

E-Motion features interview with the following experts:

Alain Herriott - The Wonder Method

Dr Bradley Nelson - The Emotion Code

Dr Darren Weissman - The Lifeline Technique

Dr Joe Dispenza - Reinvention of Self

Don Tolman - Whole Foods Expert

Nassim Haramein - The Resonance Project

Neale Donald Walsch - Author of Conversations with God

Raymon Grace - Master Dowser

Robert G. Smith - Faster EFT

Rob Van Overbruggen PhD - Meta Medicine

Sonia Choquette - 6th Sensory Living

Tracey Rosser - Kinesiologist

Official webiste: https://www.e-motionthemovie.com/

Official FB: https://www.facebook.com/emotionthemovie/

Experts appearing in the movie: https://www.e-motionthemovie.com/emotion-experts/

Register on free live screening

Leave your Name and E-mail to receive link on live screening

Bonus Movies

meet some e-motion experts

Click to play video
Click to play video
Click to play video
Click to play video

© Copyright 2016 – Play Pictures www.playpictures.com

Online screening: mindbodyspirit.com.pl